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Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Who would've thought it could be possible,....8 babies at once! Is she crazy? Lets not even mention the others which make a total of 14 kIDS, of those 8 newborns,.....how is she going to do it. I have one and it's a handful. To add on top of that she's single,...and doesn't work because apparently she's disabled. Okay how would they even allow this? I mean it's one thing for Angelina and Brad to have lots of babies,...THEY HAVE THE MEANS TO SUPPORT THEM....but this poor gal and her mother. I mean I seriously don't know what to say. I think she was being selfish and only thought of herself,..what she wanted when she was a child A BIG FAMILY. I personally think she made a stupid choice; 14 is too much to handle.
I ask myself how she sleeps........


Tasha said...

How she sleeps? She doesn't! LOL! Crazy lady!

What Kate Wore said...

You know what? we are so with you on the not knowing what to say..?! How scary is that?

Grins & Giggles,

Unknown said...

It just seems wrong on so many levels. And the doctor who implanted 8 babies ... talk about irresponsible! What in the world was he thinking?

So now the state (and the earth) has 14 children plus at least one adult to support.

She is no Angelina!

Small Footprints

Nana Net said...

Seems to me selfishness does not even begin to describe this person! I honestly wonder if she even has a brain at all.....
My main concern is with those 14 kids!!!!!!! How is she truly going to take care of them all? Plus I heard where she is considering doing a PORN MOVIE!!!!!!! How disgustng........

Nana Net