+ Traffic to your Site!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Want more traffic to your site....FREE

Yea right,...I don't believe in free.......I mean are we in the position to be giving out free stuff? Have you read the news about our economy? But seriously I came across this website while browsing through some blogs at momblogs.com. And being that I'm not greedy I wanted to share it with you. The instructions are simple so give it a try. I mean they guarantee traffic to your site if you subscribe. What do you have to lose.
You can click on the link below......I wish you success!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Simply Thanks.......

I was reading the news and and came across an article on a Brazilian Model whose hands and feet were amputated; she died today. Apparently the poor girl was diagnosed with UTI and kidney stones. The infection spread to her body and her limbs weren't receiving enough oxygen. The infection spread to her body and the antibiotics weren't doing her any good. Mind you she was hospitalized early this month. It's crazy that one minute you're doing fine and the next you could find yourself in a life threatening situation. I feel bad for her family. A few months ago I had to hospitalize my baby (less than a year old) because he has a throat infection and it was beginning to spread to his body. Thankfully, we caught it in time and the antibiotics worked; 5 days later he was released from the hospital.
So I want to take this time to say Thanks for all my friends and family that had my baby and our family in their prayers and for God granting our wishes. Thank you God for watching over my baby!

Be the bully or be bullied!

The other day while I was playing with my son I noticed he had a bruise on his forearm. It looked like a small circle, almost like a small bite mark. He doesn’t have any friends yet and he doesn’t see his cousins on a regular basis. So my first thought was he bit himself. But after looking at it cautiously I noticed that the bite mark was made from another small child (the bruise was on the outside of his forearm.) Although I didn’t see anyone bite him, I have a hunch on who it was and I’m almost sure it was one of his cousins. On Christmas day he was receiving gifts from my family and one particular cousin wanted to use his gifts. So I say “share your toys; lend it to her we’ll play with it later” (mind you, my son is 1 year and 1 month old he doesn’t understand this concept but I’m trying to teach him the concept). So I tell his cousin, “ok, he lent you his toy but lend him yours” and she snatched her toy away. Her mother obviously yells at her and tells her to share but the little girl has such an attitude she doesn’t listen. I’m guessing the sometime during the day she bit him, possibly because of a toy. Now I’m not saying it’s what happened but I’m almost sure of it!

Now, what is a parent supposed to teach their children. I mean I don’t want my son to be a bully but I certainly don’t want him to get bit and get bullied! I’ve never fought and never instigated anyone. But if I ever get hit you can be sure I’m not going to get hit again! For those parents who have experience in this, I would like to hear your opinion!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Do I look,......old?

I would love to hear what you guys and gals have to say about this. My hubby turned 33 recently and he’s always been pretty active. I mean name a sport or activity and he’s probably done it. Surfing, snowboarding, baseball, tennis, golf,….you name it. He loves to be active. However, it’s hard for him to accept that his body 20 years ago isn’t the same as now. About a year ago he had a bad motorcycle accident when I was pregnant. He fractured his thyroid cartilage (his throat area) and let’s just say that many people have died with injuries less than what he had….so like the doc said he’s alive for a reason. When this happened I spoke to him and convinced him that for our child’s sake that he needs to act more his age; So we sold all the motorcycles we had. He recently made new friends, whom I might add are much younger than he is so they have a lot of energy and they tolerate more than my husband does. The other day after he came home from playing golf with his new friends, he wanted to go body boarding with them. The younger guys caught almost all the waves and didn’t think twice about swimming back and forth. My poor husband caught like 3 waves took a break and wend back in, caught 2 more waves and decided to call it a day. His friends kept calling him “grandpa’”. My husband is not that much older than they are but they just wanted to mess with him. On the way home he kept telling me, “I’m getting old. Do I look old? My body isn’t the same as it used to”. Being the great wife that I am I lifted my hubby’s spirit and said “Men are like a great wine,……the older they get the better they are”. Let’s just say he had a smile the rest of the way home!

Back to blogging!

Hey ya’ll,…..I’m back,……you could say I was taking a little holiday break,….but I just took down the Christmas tree, so that means the holidays are over,……it was kind of funny because I put the tree up in October before Halloween,..and yes it was artificial,..can you imagine,…..the only things that would’ve been left by now are the branches and the trunk. So my holidays began back in October,..looooong Christmas…… Anyways, A few weeks ago I thought I was pregnant,…..I thought “CRAP!”,….I mean I want another baby but just not right now,…..imagine almost 3 months without my period. I mean all the home tests came out negative and I didn’t have any symptoms, but I was still taking a crap. Now everything’s back to normal, so hopefully no more surprises.

So I just hope you all had a great time and I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.