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Monday, January 19, 2009

Do I look,......old?

I would love to hear what you guys and gals have to say about this. My hubby turned 33 recently and he’s always been pretty active. I mean name a sport or activity and he’s probably done it. Surfing, snowboarding, baseball, tennis, golf,….you name it. He loves to be active. However, it’s hard for him to accept that his body 20 years ago isn’t the same as now. About a year ago he had a bad motorcycle accident when I was pregnant. He fractured his thyroid cartilage (his throat area) and let’s just say that many people have died with injuries less than what he had….so like the doc said he’s alive for a reason. When this happened I spoke to him and convinced him that for our child’s sake that he needs to act more his age; So we sold all the motorcycles we had. He recently made new friends, whom I might add are much younger than he is so they have a lot of energy and they tolerate more than my husband does. The other day after he came home from playing golf with his new friends, he wanted to go body boarding with them. The younger guys caught almost all the waves and didn’t think twice about swimming back and forth. My poor husband caught like 3 waves took a break and wend back in, caught 2 more waves and decided to call it a day. His friends kept calling him “grandpa’”. My husband is not that much older than they are but they just wanted to mess with him. On the way home he kept telling me, “I’m getting old. Do I look old? My body isn’t the same as it used to”. Being the great wife that I am I lifted my hubby’s spirit and said “Men are like a great wine,……the older they get the better they are”. Let’s just say he had a smile the rest of the way home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww... That was sweet... I tell my husband that he doesn't look old but is more of a man... That one works too ;)