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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Penis & Spit?

I was recently reading blogs about things that children do and say and I have to share something with you all. When I found out I was pregnant last year almost my whole family joined me to the OB/GYN (I'm the first daughter, neice, and granddaughter). So when my 8 year old cousin also joined me I was curious to know whether she knew what an OB/GYN is. When I asked her she told me that she didn't know so I explained to her that he check vaginas and the female reproductive system (in simpler terms to make sure that a woman can have babies and that the baby is fine). I guess that got her thinking and when we got to the car she tells her mother something secretly and my aunt looks at me and whispers to me what she told her. My cousin asked her that if my husband had to show me his penis and spit at me to get pregnant. I was in shock!!!! What the hell,.....I mean what is she watching. My aunt is one of those people that finds it funny so she just smiled. I'm a little close to her now so everytime she opens her mouth to ask me something.....I dread those moments!


Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Oh my, kids do say the darndest things!

Leanne said...

Oppps. Yep, the things they come out with....

Anonymous said...

LOL, after 11 kids and stepkids, nothing surprises me. I have had my share of "the darndest things". The spitting things seems like a common thread though. Ellen, then six, "Erick spat at me, am I going to have a baby?" Erick was 9, so we had no problems as to which spit. After the kids left, we just about died laughing.


Unknown said...

OMG!! I know your face was red because mine turned red while I was reading it, LOL! OMG!!! LOL!